Artist unknown. An otogizoshi (Tale of Muromachi), believed to have been created from the late Muromachi period (1392–1573) to the early Edo period (1600–1868). Also known as the Tale of Daietsu. Daietsu-no-suke, who was a caring son to his parents, was visited by the Kannon Bodhisattva in a dream, and from just one strand of straw, worked his way up to become a man of great fortune. The gods of prosperity, Daikoku and Ebisu, appeared, cast out evil, performed haiku poems and sumo wrestling, and drove away the bandits and kin of the fighting demon, Shura. After news of these events reached the Imperial Palace, Daietsu-no-suke received the hand of a princess and became rich and powerful. This is a celebratory tale of success in life and worship of the Gods of Good Fortune. The part of the illustration shown here depicts Daikoku and Ebisu wrestling in the garden. Daietsu-no-suke is the figure holding the referee’s gunbai fan. Depicted on the sidelines are Daikoku’s and Ebisu’s kin.