About NIHU

Intellectual Property

The National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) strategically creates, acquires, and uses its intellectual properties. NIHU's member institutes also maintain and manage the intellectual properties they create and obtain in the course of their research and education activities. The institutes have developed systems for actively passing on their benefits to society.

In addition to NIHU's own database, each of the member institutes has established numerous databases that serve as useful resources for academics. These resources are available on the web and via other means. NIHU's Intellectual Properties Administration Office plays a central role in promoting the efficient management and use of intellectual properties, such as, peruse and loan of documents, photographs, and other material in possession of the member institutes and NIHU, and granting permission to use copyrighted material.

The Intellectual Properties Administration Office is engaged in public relations activities, such as arranging a variety of seminars and other events to raise awareness and educate academics about intellectual property issues.
