Research / Education
Topics for Researchers
Center for Innovative Research(CIR)
Based on the mission and vision, the Center for Innovative Research promotes “NIHU Research Projects” and “NIHU Co-creation Initiatives.”

NIHU Research Projects
NIHU Research Projects conduct basic and interdisciplinary researches, and promote three types of projects.
Institute-based Projects
NIHU’s six institutes have established priority research themes in accordance with their respective missions. They collaborate with institutes and researchers both in Japan and overseas to conduct research that deepens knowledge and understanding of their respective specialist areas.
Multidisciplinary Collaborative Projects
These are projects in which NIHU’s institutes take on a central role while collaborating with other NIHU’s institutes as well as universities and other external institutes, working with research themes that cut across different fields. There is a collaboration with Japanese and overseas research institutes and researchers in diverse fields such as the humanities, information science, conservation science, and environmental studies, as well as with local communities, to engage in interdisciplinary research that transcends the boundaries of specializations.
Network-based Projects
These are projects in which NIHU’s institutes play a central role in forming a network with universities and other research institutes in Japan and overseas as well as implementing issues that are important to Japan and the world. Through the establishment of the NIHU Global Area Studies Program and the Inter-University Research Institute Network Project to Preserve and Succeed Historical and Cultural Resources, efforts are being made in research to solve problems from various research fields.
NIHU Co-creation Initiatives
These are projects that promote the sharing of research results and co-creation with local communities and societies, promote knowledge co-creation projects and co-creation outreach, whose aim is to develop research in three ways: “social co-creation,” “digitalization,” and “international co-creation.”
Co-creation Research Projects
These projects promote joint research through co-creation with various organizations and people inside and outside NIHU as well as develop research in three ways.
Co-creation Outreach
These initiatives implement projects to accelerate the three types of research development as well as aim to enhance and innovate research at NIHU’s institutes and universities and other external institutes.
NIHU Knowledge Co-creation Projects
NIHU "Digital Humanities" (DH) Projects