Research / Education

Research Projects

NIHU Research Projects

NIHU organizes eleven research projects, in three categories, as its core basic and interdisciplinary research in the humanities. With these projects NIHU aims to fulfill its mission in inter-university research through the broadening of academic networks, creation of new scholarly disciplines, and other endeavors.

1.Projects led by NIHU's six institutes (Institute-based Projects)
NIHU's six institutes have established priority themes that embody their respective missions. They collaborate with institutions and scholars both in Japan and overseas and undertake pioneering research aimed at advancing and deepening their areas of expertise.

2. Projects conducted through the collaboration of multiple NIHU institutions (Multidisciplinary Collaborative Projects)
These are projects centered at institutes under the NIHU umbrella collaborating with other NIHU institutes as well as outside universities and research centers to undertake research themes that call for interaction among scholars in different fields. The projects pursue interdisciplinary research, in collaboration with local communities, researchers, and research institutes and in diverse fields in Japan and overseas, including the humanities, information science, conservation science, and environmental studies.

3. Projects conducted in collaboration with other universities and research institutes (Network-based Projects)
These are projects in which the NIHU institutes occupy a key role in forming a network with universities and other domestic and international research centers to commit to issues that are important for both Japan and the world. Two programs are established and efforts are made to solve the proposed issues in their respective fields of research.

NIHU Co-creation Initiatives

These are projects in which the NIHU institutes collaborate with universities and other domestic and international research organizations, share research resources and results, and co-create and cooperate with local communities to contribute to society. The projects aim to expand research in three ways: "Social Co-creation," "Digitalization," and "International Co-creation."

   Co-creation Research Projects  Co-creation Outreach
The three research
expansion efforts
 NIHU promotes the efforts by driving co-creation-based and collaborative research endeavors together with diverse organizations and individuals, both inside and outside NIHU NIHU undertakes operations to accelerate research efforts and to drive the advancement and innovation of research conducted at institutions both within and outside NIHU, including universities
Social Co-creation Establishing Science for Universal Communication NIHU Knowledge Co-creation Projects
Digitalization  Building Digital Library for Humanities NIHU "Digital Humanities" (DH) Projects
International Co-creation Japan-related Documents and Artifacts Held Overseas: NIHU International Collaborative Research NIHU Global Partnership