2.ダフ先⽣の授業―「グローバル・ヒストリーとしての⾷物史」(2020 春学期:2〜
Introducing Professor Duffʼs Course―"Global Histories of Food" (2020 Spring Semester: February - May)
さて、2020 年2⽉に時計の針を戻してみましょう。その頃、コルビー⼤学は春学期が始まったばかり。いつも通りスムーズに、⼤学⽣活が送られていくかのように⾒えました。私はこの学期、「グローバル・ヒストリーとしての⾷物史」という授業を教えることになっていて、とても楽しみにしていました。その授業では、学⽣と共に世界各地を「訪れ」つつ、⾷に関する興味深い要素を歴史から学んでいく予定でした。
Now, letʼs go back to February 2020. The spring semester just started, and it seemed to go smoothly as usual. I was very excited to teach my course titled "Global Histories of Food." In this course, I planned to "visit" different parts of the world with my students and explore many interesting elements related to food.
⾷べ物や⾷⽂化は、様々なアイデンティティの形成に重要な役割を果たしてきました。さあ、16 世紀から現在にかけての「⾷」の歴史を⼀緒に探っていきましょう!
We will trace how food has been vital to the constitution of various kinds of identities since about the sixteenth century!
How exciting! Which area should we start with?
Letʼs begin in Mexico. How about starting shortly after its conquest by Spain in 1521?
Base Map Source: © https://mapswire.com/world/physical-maps/
That sounds good!
It is important to consider how food was used to establish differences between colonized others, and colonizing selves.
This is a significant point. In American classrooms, colonial history is considered as an important topic to cover; teaching it is critical to nurture future generations. Students have opportunities to discuss the colonial past as well as various problems driving from it, and they are encouraged to pay attention to both the colonizers and the colonized to understand different perspectives. This time I did not have enough time to let Professor Duff illustrate how she taught food and colonial history in more detail, but I hope that we will have a chance to learn about it in the future!
Yes, Iʼd love to explain more if there is a chance.
Base Map Source: © https://mapswire.com/world/physical-maps/
The course then moves to west and east Africa, and focuses on how knowledge of food technology—rice production, in particular—shaped enslaved Africansʼ experiences of the Americas. In Ethiopia, we looked at the making of new ideas of Ethiopian nationhood through feasting.
Now, letʼs return to the United States again. Here, we will pay attention to how food figured in the difficult constitution of African-American identities.
Prof. Duff, thatʼs an important perspective! Well, after the discussion of African-American identities, where should we go?
How about shifting our direction eastwards again? Letʼs go to India!
Base Map Source: © https://mapswire.com/world/physical-maps/
Okay, we are in India now. Letʼs discuss how food mediated a series of colonial encounters there from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries.
The course was moving forward like this. After travelling around the world to learn various histories of food, we were planning to return to the United States, and conclude the course through paying attention to foodʼs place in the making of immigrant identities as well as twentieth-century social and political movements. But…