「⾷」というレンズがとらえたその瞬間 Capturing the Moment through the Lens of Food
「⾷」というレンズがとらえたその瞬間 Capturing the Moment through the Lens of Food
大変な今だから―「食」や「レシピ」を見つめてみよう Survive this Challenging Time Together̶Rethinking Food, Drink, and the Recipe!

Changes Brought by the Pandemic


Around mid-March, the East coast began facing an increasingly challenging situation: a rapid rise of COVID-19 infection numbers. To protect the health and lives of students, teachers, staff members, and everyone else at Colby College, as well as their families and neighbors, the school decided to switch everything to online. For the students in my course, the transition to online learning was made particularly difficult by the fact that they did this precisely in a pandemic. The structure of the course changed to accommodate their different circumstances, with us meeting once a week, instead of twice, to discuss the readings.

Empty classroom at Colby College due to pandemic
(ダフ教授提供 Courtesy of Professor Duff)


It was hard, but we encouraged each other to survive.


For example, we checked in with each other to ensure everyone is doing ok, by asking "How are you doing?," "What did you do today?," and "What are you eating these days?"


Yes, we supported one another through sharing our difficulties and discussing how we could cope with living under such stress.



I had this in mind as one of the key themes of the course.
✽ Food is always enmeshed in deep networks of social and cultural meaning, and so, as a result, during times of crisis it is often used to make sense of social predicaments. This has been the case during the current pandemic.

 よい視点だと思います!ダフ教授のコメントを聞いて、禁酒法時代の危機的状況が飲⾷物を取り巻く⽂化に与えた影響を思い出しました。⽇本の歴史にもそういう例はあるのかな? 調べてみると⾯⽩いですね。

This is a good point! This also reminds me of the age of Prohibition (banning production, distribution, and consumption of alcohol in the early-twentieth-century of the US) and its influence on different aspects of society, especially cultural elements tied with food & drinks. I wonder if we can find anything like this in Japanese history.



As Prof. Duff says, I feel that we are deepening our understanding of cultural and social issues by observing the surrounding events through "food." Especially, the impact given by the COVID-19 crisis on our food culture today is significant.


Yeah… for example, social media accounts have documented peopleʼs experiments with complex cooking and baking projects (keeping sourdough starters, for instance, or making pizza from scratch). Thatʼs awesome.


There is, however, something that we should remember. It is by no means surprising that people who have been forced to stay home should turn to cooking for comfort, but, as many pointed out, this was a privilege largely of those with the time and the money to afford ingredients and to work from home.

 そうだね。また、⾷糧のサプライ・チェーン(⾷料供給・調達のための過程やシステム)が崩壊する懸念もあったよねえ。COVID-19 問題が深刻化した最初の⼀カ⽉なんかは、スーパーが特定の⼈気商品を配給制にしたりして…。

Come to think about it, there has been widespread concern about the collapse of food supply chains. For the first months of the pandemic, supermarkets rationed particularly popular products.


I've heard that in many parts of the world, especially vulnerable people tend to face more predicaments under this pandemic, and the probability of hunger and malnutrition has increased in some areas.


Hmmm…We should think how we can solve those problems.

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