4. 学期末の到来
The End of the Semester
Prof. Duff, the final weeks are approaching. I am really impressed that you have been trying your best despite many difficulties, to support your students and navigate the course online. Hang in there!
Thank you so much! Itʼs finally the end of the semester. In a normal situation, American university students are required to do a special assignment at the end of each semester, such as writing a term paper or taking a final exam. For my course, I originally planned to have my students write a long research paper based on a primary source analysis.
Then, I realized a big problem.
It would be almost impossible to assign my students a research paper because they did not have library access. I thought and thought, and then I decided to assign something totally different. Can you guess what I chose?
It was compiling a zine, a one-off, themed, handmade magazine!
The purpose of this publication was to capture our experience of the pandemic through food. I asked students to send me any kind of submission which, they felt, described themselves and their preoccupations at that time during the pandemic.
Thatʼs an interesting assignment!
What should we call our magazine?
How about The Colby Coronavirus Cooking Collective?
Great idea!
The magazine developed into a twenty-two page long piece.