「⾷」というレンズがとらえたその瞬間 Capturing the Moment through the Lens of Food
「⾷」というレンズがとらえたその瞬間 Capturing the Moment through the Lens of Food
大変な今だから―「食」や「レシピ」を見つめてみよう Survive this Challenging Time Together̶Rethinking Food, Drink, and the Recipe!

6. おわりに


As historians, we tend to focus on providing analysis of documents over a sweep of time, but this object―this zine―is not intended to speak beyond the moment it was created. Its purpose is to date; to exist at a particular moment in time, when everyone lived under pandemic conditions and in which many used food to make sense of that period. How are individual attempts in the world to navigate through this crisis related to food? How are such attempts supported by food? Through this course, I realized the importance of further investigation of food in both todayʼs society and in history.


In this first issue, I have delivered the experiences of Prof. Duff and her students from a faraway place, Colby College, Maine in the United States. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them for sharing their voices. I hope that their stories offer some insights and encouragements to you and others who are surviving through this pandemic. Despite many difficulties and stresses, we will eventually get out from the tunnel and see light. Until then, letʼs support each other and overcome this crisis together.

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